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2016/2017 Renovations

In September 2016 renovations were started on the main church building and the hall. It was hoped that works would be finished by Spring 2017 but due a number of surprises and set backs they were completed in October 2017.


These renovations opened up the church and the hall and created a modern, larger more versatile space, whilst also dealing with a general lack of maintenance over many years.


The new space allows for far more events than Sunday services and for more flexibility within the services.   We now have a very pleasant, multi-purpose building which is available for use by many groups but is still recognisably a church when it needs to be.


The rededication service was held on 1st November 2017. This was a very happy and enjoyable event with the sermon given by a previous Moderator of the General Assembly, the Very Rev Dr John Chalmers. Around 140 folk were present, some from the church, some from other churches, some friends from the past, and very pleasant tea was held afterwards. Click here to see pictures

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Maryculter Trinity Church of Scotland

Kirkton of Maryculter, Aberdeenshire, AB12 5FS Scottish Charities Number: SC013648

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